Quarantine Cookies

I can’t believe we made it here.

March 13, 2020, will always stand out not because it was the day my city shut down exactly, but because it was the day I noticed my entire world was about to change. I’d heard whisperings and vague warnings about this rogue virus for weeks at that point, but what I didn’t know then was that this Friday the 13th would be the last day my whole company would be allowed to be together in our office building for over a year. It was also the first day the news made me feel like I was a character in a post-apocalyptic film.

Fast-forward to early April when I realized I was probably going to be staying at home for a while, and I decided to make a bucket list of things to do throughout what I thought would be the next few weeks. The idea was that these activities would keep me busy, and checking items off would boost my morale. One bucket list item that I put some real effort into was finding the best chocolate chip cookie recipe, and I’m pleased to report that after a year of testing and tasting, my efforts have really paid off. Now, in recognition of one year in isolation, I want to share the fruits of my labor with you!

Below are my Top 8 Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipes Worth Keeping On Hand At All Times. Each recipe is a little different, so I’m 100% positive there is one on the list below that you’ll enjoy. Unless you don’t like chocolate, in which case this blog post is not for you.

CAVEAT: Before I get into this, I should tell you what I look for in a chocolate chip cookie just to make sure we’re on the same page. I prefer a cookie that is a little on the flatter side, chewy in the center and slightly crisp on the edges. Not too crisp, but not soft baked either. If they snap when breaking them in half or fall apart in crumbles, they are not for me. Well, there are a few exceptions on this list, but we’ll get there.

I also should let you know that I followed every recipe exactly unless otherwise noted.

Ravneet Gill’s Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies

If you try one recipe from this list, please make sure it’s this one. These ended up being the last recipe that I tested in January of this year, and I’m sad I didn’t try them sooner because damn. These are so good. They are the perfect size, perfect texture, and it just proves that dark chocolate chunks are superior to regular chocolate chips despite the extra time I spent chopping up the chocolate by hand. It’s worth it. Besides creating the chocolate chunks, I was honestly a little surprised by how standard and easy this recipe was.

Now, the recipe calls for chilling the dough in the fridge and then baking it all at once, but as someone who lives alone, that would just result in me having to eat a dozen cookies in a few days—which isn’t impossible, but not ideal for my 2021 goal to “stop eating cookies for every meal.” So, I rolled them into balls, lined them up on a baking sheet and popped them in the freezer instead. Then, when it’s time to bake, I preheat the oven to 350 degrees F, and I bake as many as I need for 10-11 minutes. I take the cookie sheet out and tap it on the counter a few times before returning it to the oven for another 2 minutes. This creates that texture that I adore. If you want a thicker, rounder cookie, just bake them for 13-15 minutes straight.

Pinch of Yum

This recipe is POPULAR for a reason. Not only are they super easy, they are pretty much fool-proof. I love that they are a little smaller, and they are pillowy soft. Pro tip: use mini chocolate chips for an Instagram-worthy cookie.

Brown Sugar Cookies

Brown sugar is so underrated. It gives these cookies a richer flavor, and they have the chewiness I expect from a quality cookie. I’ve made these twice and they’ve turned out great both times.

Salted Butter Chocolate Chunk Shortbread

Sometimes you want a traditional cookie, and sometimes you want something substantial enough to dunk in your morning coffee. This is that cookie that could be a companion for your afternoon tea, or it could be breakfast? Eh? Either way, it’s a solid recipe.

Cake Mix Cookies

Some days are good days, when I can run multiple miles and complete my to-do list for the day. Other days, I’m so exhausted I can barely sit up, much less measure dry ingredients for a cookie recipe. Insert the easiest recipe on this list that takes all the guess work out of baking. I’m not gonna lie, my expectations for these cookies were fairly low since I was nervous they’d be too cakey, but I was pleasantly surprised by how well they turned out. These can really grow in the oven without deflating (because it is cake mix after all), so if you like a large cookie, you should give these a try. They are a little too sweet for my taste, so I don’t make these super often, but it’s nice to have a recipe that I can throw together in five minutes. Plus, the base recipe can be extremely customizable based on the cake mix flavor and mix-ins you decide to include.

Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies

When I embarked on this challenge, I knew a vegan option was a must. Unfortunately, most didn’t turn out great because it turns out that eggs make a pretty big difference in a cookie’s composition. These somehow work so well. In fact, I’ve made them multiple times and they taste and feel just like any ole cookie. Even if you’re not plant-based, these are worth a try.

Laura Lea Balanced Best Cookie Ever Recipe

I love Laura Lea! Both of her cookbooks have transformed how I cook and eat, so I had to include this one in my roundup. This is a perfectly fine recipe, and I appreciate that these are healthier than your average chocolate chip cookie. That said, these were created for the soft-baked cookie lovers in the world, and as I’ve said, that is just not me. I still ranked them a little higher than I normally would for a soft-baked cookie for three reasons: 1. They are gluten free. 2. The unexpected appearance of olive oil elevates these with a subtle nutty flavor that I enjoy. 3. They are objectively the healthiest cookie on this list. I highly recommend following the recipe exactly, though. If you try to substitute an ingredient, they probably won’t turn out quite right.

Chocolate Chip Tahini Mug Cake 

When I started gathering recipes for this challenge, I knew I had to include a mug cookie for those nights when you’re craving a chocolate chip cookie without having to go through the hassle of baking a whole dozen, or even preheating the oven at all. Of course, this technically isn’t really a cookie as much as a cake, but none of the actual mug cookies turned out well, and this one gets the flavor profile right every time. If you’re a little intimidated by the tahini, just go for it. Trust me on that. Oh, and topping this cake with vanilla ice cream is a requirement.


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