Things to do from home this fall you haven’t thought of yet.

Because I am a 26-year-old white woman, it’s pretty much a requirement that my favorite season is fall. I swear more so than any other season, it’s something I can smell in the air as the world around me cools off a bit and calls us to cozy up for the winter.

In honor of it being the first official day of fall—though let’s be honest, I’ve been pretending since Folklore was released—I thought I’d share a bucket list of things you can do from home this season. As a bonus, I also have a playlist to share with some of my favorite songs to create a cozy vibe in your home.

I know you probably don’t need another reminder that we’re still in a pandemic and you certainly don’t need another list of ways to “pass the time,” but I have a feeling there is at least one item on this list you haven’t thought of yet.

  • Register to vote.

The rest on this list are suggestions, but this one’s a requirement. Many of you may even be able to vote entirely from home, and I’m definitely jealous of y’all. But, the rest of us can at the very least make sure we’re registered.

Check out this post for all the steps to create your voting plan and visit to get started.

  • Turn your phone off for an entire day.

I don’t know about you, but as someone who has transitioned her entire work life to her apartment, my phone has become enemy #1. This fall, I’m planning to take at least one weekend day to turn it off completely for a day because we all deserve a day to read a book or go for a hike or just sit without worrying about what’s about to go up on Instagram or who’s about to email you.

  • Make homemade smores, even if from your kitchen.

    When I think about fall, especially when I was a teenager, I think of getting together with a group of friends and huddling together around a bonfire. I don’t plan on going to many bonfires this fall, but I can at least recreate part of the experience from home. Thankfully my current apartment has a fireplace, but you can also roast marshmallows from your stove to indulge in a campfire treat from home.

  • Recreate your favorite fall drink from home.

    Let’s all admit that the best time of year for a fancy coffee is the fall, and I’ve really enjoyed learning how to many different drinks from home since quarantine started. On my list to try are dirty chai lattes, London fogs, salted maple coffee and a cinnamon latte. If your favorite fall drink is a pumpkin cream cold brew, I’ve already got you covered.

  • Listen to your favorite album from start to finish.

    In case you haven’t gathered this already, I’m a very seasonal person, and that quality of mine really shows through my music. I like to create a ~ vibe ~. This fall, I plan to spend an afternoon pulling out some of my favorite albums that scream this season to me and either read a book or just sit and listen. I’d venture to say that we don’t do that enough anymore as a society, but that’s a topic for another time. For a place to start, scroll down for a playlist!

  • Read a book in a genre you don’t typically read.

    Because why not? Personally, I think it’s healthy for us all to diversify our reading in many aspects because that’s a way we can learn about the world. So, if you’ve been meaning to pick up more books by black authors, what are you waiting for? If you typically only read thrillers, try reading a beloved romance. You never know what might happen.

  • Plan your dream vacation in as much detail as possible.

    As someone who considers travel as her favorite hobby, it’s been really hard for me to watch all my 2020 plans get canceled without knowing when I’ll be able to get on a plane overseas again. But, that doesn’t mean I can’t plan. Since March, I’ve been picking a different destination every few months and researching a vacation there just for fun. A few months ago, I planned my dream trip to Thailand, and this fall, I think I’ll plan a trip to France. I figure maybe one day this research will come in handy, but for now, it’s a nice escape.

  • Start writing letters.

    I’ve recently become obsessed with snail mail. It’s honestly so fun and heartwarming to receive and send. Here’s a short list of people to write to this fall:

    • Your best friend - you could become pen pals!

    • A friend who had to cancel a major life event like a wedding due to COVID.

    • Your senators and congresspeople to advocate for issues you care about.

    • Your grandparents or other family members.

    • Hospital staff and first responders on the front-lines of this crisis.

    • Families of those who have lost loved ones this year due to tragedies including COVID and police brutality.

    • Teachers you know or who are trying to teach children in your area.

    • Send a card for your close friends’ birthdays this year since you may not be able to celebrate them in person.

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  • Have a PowerPoint party.

    Selfishly, I’m partially including this because I’ve been wanting to host one since I saw people posting about theirs this spring. Basically, you gather a small group of friends, and each person invited creates a PPT on any subject they choose. Then, everyone hops on Zoom and gives their presentation/argument to the rest of the group, ideally with wine and a lot of laughter. I really want to do this and none of my friends seem interested, so please tell me if you try it so I can continue to convince them!

  • Try the crossword.

    I downloaded the New York Times crossword app earlier this year, and I’ve been enjoying using it as a way to focus on something other than what’s going on around me. I never thought of myself as a crossword person, but the more I play, the better I am. Try it!

Do you have a fall bucket list of your own? I want to hear what activities are on it!

And, as a soundtrack for all of your autumn adventures, I hope you enjoy this Spotify playlist of cozy tunes. Ideally, you’d put it on as you’re sipping a warm beverage while sitting outside or in front of an open window, letting the chilly air flow through. Enjoy.


How to stay informed without pulling your hair out.


Homemade Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew