Steps to hygge heaven this winter

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

When I was in college, I studied abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark for six months, and it seemed like about a year after I came back, the concept of hygge really blew up in American culture. Now, you can find hundreds of articles, videos and tips on how to bring hygge into your home/bedroom/office/car/whatever.

I’m not Danish, but I’m really grateful that I was able to talk to Danes about this concept and then experience it first-hand in Denmark. It’s not a feeling that can be translated into English, but the best way I can describe it is that warm feeling you get in your chest when you hear your favorite song, or spend a night with your favorite people, put up holiday lights in my home, or finish a heartwarming book. The thing that frustrates me about the way many of my fellow Americans try to explain hygge is they forget that it looks different for everyone, but you know it when you feel it.

That said, there are some steps you can take to create hygge in your life, and I’ve found them especially necessary while staying at home this winter. Ever since the sun started setting at 4 p.m., I’ve needed a little more light in my daily life.

So, these are the steps I personally take to create a hygge morning/evening. Feel free to adapt them to your life too.

Step One: put away your devices

Step Two: light a fire in the fireplace, or light some candles, or turn on soft, warm lighting

Step Three: play music you love (here’s my cozy playlist in case you need it)

Step Four: put on comfy clothes + socks

Step Five: make a snack and warm drink

Step Six: pull out all the blankets you own

Step Seven: grab whatever book you're reading

Optional Step: invite a friend - a myth of hygge is that you have to sit in silence and that’s not it at all. In fact, part of hygge is spending time with people you love

Final Step: breathe in, and enjoy


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