Allow me to introduce myself…

Welcome to my online home. I’m really glad you’re here. I debated drafting a “Hello, world!”-style first post because I think they’re a little cheesy, but as I tried to determine which topic to kick things off with, I realized I wanted to go ahead and set the tone before diving in. But first, some context for why I’m here.

Why did I decide to start a blog?

Well, to be honest, this isn’t my first time. I’ve been starting various blogs since high school. In fact, my closest friends and I had a blog that we wrote for under pseudonyms, telling funny stories and generally goofing around. If you were a part of that project 10 years ago, don’t worry, that blog was taken down a long time ago.

Then, in college, I was selected by my high school to keep up a blog about my college experience, so high school seniors could have a sense of what to expect. That blog was fairly successful despite the fact that it was made in Blogspot—yikes.

Five years ago, I had the incredible experience of studying in Copenhagen, Denmark, for six months, and I wrote about my adventures so prospective applicants of the program and my friends and family back home could follow along. I also took that site down a while ago, but if you see some random Danish words or references throughout my posts here on out, that’s why!

After graduating and moving to Nashville, I tried and failed to start this blog a number of times. I’ve actually owned this website’s domain for two years, but I never launched anything. I always gave the same excuse for why I couldn’t get started—I just don’t have time.

Right before everyone retreated into social isolation due to COVID-19, I had lunch with my closest group of friends. One thing they brought up that has stuck with me is that whenever I recommend something or let them in on something I’ve learned, they always trust my opinions. That changed everything.

That’s when I discovered the real reason why I’d never gone through with creating this space before now. I never believed anyone would care.

Me, in the streets of Copenhagen, ecstatic to have a cinnamon roll.

Me, in the streets of Copenhagen, ecstatic to have a cinnamon roll.

But when it comes down to it, maybe that’s besides the point?

Which brings me here, to this space I’ve created for us. Well, for myself, but I hope you’ll explore and stick around. I also hope you’ll learn from me and not pay to renew a domain name with no site attached to it. It’s a waste of money.

What can you expect?

When I was researching starting a blog, over and over I was told to find my “niche.” Find that thing that sets me apart from the rest. After all, it seems everyone is starting a blog these days, especially during the national lock-down.

That said, I decided I don’t want to box myself in, so rather than picking a topic to guide my focus, I am going to write about all things that capture my attention and pique my curiosity. That means, you’ll find a mixture of book reviews, playlists of my favorite music, Trader Joes staples, stories and tips about my writing process, journal entries about my own growth and conversations about important topics that go beyond myself. Oh, and cat content. Lots of cat content.

I don’t know where this blog will look like a year from now, but my greatest hope is that you always feel included and comfortable with joining in the conversation. If there’s anything you’d like to discuss, feel free to reach out. Until then, I’ll keep writing and posting on Instagram and Twitter. Feel free to follow me there if you’d like!

Talk soon!

Millie (and Binx)


Daisy Jones and The Six